Hebrews 3:8 says “Do not harden you hearts as in the rebellion, in the day of trial in the wilderness.” Now you maybe confused, because you subscribed to this as an encouraging word, but keep reading. The Holy Spirit forcefully commands all believers, who you and I are one of, to not harden our hearts during trials. Simply put, hard times needs not make hard hearts. God knows that hard times are a given in everyones life. Despite this, the Holy Spirit doesn't want us to become hard hearted. Hard times can bring broken hearts, which many people think is weakness. Our wonderful savior can heal a broken heart according to Isaiah 6 and Luke 4, while God rebukes the hard hearted. In the past you believed the only way you could make it through the hard times was to hardened your heart. The Holy Spirit has a much better path. Keeping our Hearts pliable and moldable to God's hands is the most beneficial to our souls health. So today encouraging word comes from Col 3:15 “... let the peace of God rule in your Heart...”
God Bless you and keep you today as you go and do life
Tony Lee
God Bless you and keep you today as you go and do life
Tony Lee